Strands of silk

Intended to resolve is to get silk yarn Aharirntejh decoding cocoons after cooking to melt the resin material.
Solution process plays an important role in the quality of the resulting silk and high commercial value as controlled by two factors, namely the quality of cocoons used by 70% and the solution process itself by 30%.
Spin caterpillar cocoon in the form of a single thread offline up to 1400 meters in camel, 800 meters in breeds and composed string of material Alverwein a protein represents 70-80% of the weight of the thread and material serine, a gummy substance melts in hot water, a protein also represent 20-30 % addition to the 2-3% fatty substances and waxy, colors and metals
As is well known as a white cocoons, yellow or green, according to strain and colorful this article have no effect in the solution process or dye silk with color after that article found in Article Alseresin
One thread caused one of the cocoon is not fit for the textile industry, where there are 3 shots global silk, namely: -
Accurate gauge (9-15 Rner)
Average caliber (18-30 Rner)
Mm thick (more than 30 Rner)
And Aldnyir is a unit measuring the size of the string and is defined as the weight in grams of the thread length 9,000 meters and varies breeds but we can say metaphorically that the size of thread cocoon per 3 Dnyir and thus can determine the number of cocoons, which must be resolved weaved together according to the caliber required example caliber 20-22 Rner can be obtained from solution 7 8 cocoons and is worth mentioning that there is a special balance Balrner can determine this accurately to maintain the thickness of required Diameter floss.

There are 3 systems to solve a

Solution farmyard
Dependent upon Egypt heavily since 1975 where the solution is on Cupboard solution farmyard where the perimeter wheel wrapped silk to 180-200 cm and a movable ribs - needs to be 3 workers - can not produce all but thick caliber bullets only.

Silk output ratio Seresin lead to high losses during processing and can be resolved 5 cocoons sheets in the day in two shifts and can do without a workers when using the motor.

It uses the resulting silk carpets or textiles industry on municipal looms.

Mechanical solution (half)
There it Oldtimer where Contains basin solution to 6-10 eyes and be around Cupboard solution (tweaking) 140-150 cm and a ribs moving - produces all calibres, but not world class, but in any case the best of the cupboard baladi produce 1 kg silk caliber average day (8 hours )

Modern style and has pelvic 15-20 end and be around Cupboard lapping 60-75 cm and not by the side of moving it to be a process of re-solution for silk and produces all calibres international specifications suitable for export and run textile factories of modern produce 1 to 1.2 kg ore per day (8 hours) of medium-caliber and needs to be one factor.

Was created a complete line of resolve modern Society producers natural silk village Fisha sound Gharbiya a 60 end and the last Research Station silk Kanater charitable capacity of 20 end of the line a large capacity of 400 end of the draft Royal Cologne in New Borg El Arab Gharbia Governorate and can repeat these units as demand in places produce cocoons The result of this system Silk yarn international specifications ranging under several degrees according to their quality and advised Balgatmad on this system in developing countries in the production of silk yarn that can be used on a wide one in the industry local products unmarketable significantly and are not necessarily those yarns of the highest rated Silk prices in order to be in Mntaul everyone for the acquisition of these textiles.

Automatic solution
400-end and needs to 13 workers and produces 44 kg raw silk per day (8 hours) and the area around Cupboard solution (tweaking) 60-70 cm and has no ribs animated and produced all calibres international standards but needs a huge amount of cocoons in order to be operated economically.

To create an integrated line to resolve mechanical or automatic water line must be provided - a power line - pressure steam boiler - dryer hot air cocoons - cooking machine cocoons - machines silk solution multiple endings - a silk treatment under pressure - machines re-solution.

Solution process generally includes three stages, namely 1 - Cooking cocoons 2 - Solution 3 - Re-solution

Cook cocoons one-pot method which is currently used in the municipal system solution
Tools needed is a vase placed water

Kerosene stove to boil cooking water

Rough brush such as white brush to flatten early clues cocoons after cooking refinery perforated her hand to transfer the cocoons from the cooking pot to the solution Basin

The process of cooking first boil water and then put the cocoons in which the body one layer covering the surface of the water in a cooking pot, stirring refinery continuously for 10 minutes, where turns cocoons bright white to white opaque (such as color finger chalk) after being positioned in the water and then pass the brush on the surface of the cocoons to flatten early threaded with raising cocoons by Misfah maintained with the other hand and transported to the basin with clasped early solution threaded stud next to the bath solution.

Notes not to increase the duration of cooking so as not to damage the outer layer of the crust cocoon
Notes change the cooking water from time to time
The research department silk amendment to this method, using three consecutive pots for cooking at different temperatures and are also used in the municipal system solution as follows
Bowl first

Water at a temperature of 90-95 m and cook the cocoons for a minute second pot:

Water at a temperature of 60-65 m and placed cocoons for half a minute.

Third pot

And has water on the degree of 90-95 m and cook the cocoons for 7-8 minutes until they are cooked and then transported to the basin solution then The use of this method to increase the viability of cocoons to resolve and get rid of a larger proportion was gum in addition to acquiring silk gloss, which is characterized by .

There are several types of machines used in cooking mechanical solution where water is delivered and steam it and features cocoons cooked increase its ability to resolve substantially with the small number of times cutting the thread to a minimum as the figure.

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