Drying cocoons

Virgins must be killed within cocoons, which will be used in the solution so as to ensure that no exit butterflies where they become pupae after invalid to resolve a puncture
The educators in Egypt draining cocoons subject it to direct sunlight and it brushes cocoons over a mat on the single layer from 10 am to 4 pm and then gathered inside the house and repeat it for 5-6 days to ensure killed Virgin is known as either voice cocoon when shaken next to the ear or open one by a razor blade and a vision of the Virgin dry - Studies have shown that this method leads to affected silk hand adversely technological properties and exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays
The most appropriate way is hot air drying and silk available, Department of one of these dryers and also in association silk sound chip in Gharbiya village and the Royal Project Cologne in Borg El Arab, Alexandria Governorate and also a Special Projects in Fayoum Governorate must also provide other units in intensive breeding places nationwide
Must guard against the use of butane stove to burn it and destroy cocoons and become invalid to resolve
Whenever purpose is to store cocoons for a long time should be dried well and standard class of drying is to lose cocoons 60% of the fresh weight after drying
When storing the cocoons are placed in sacks and placed with the amount of pesticides in the form of powder with saved in a well-ventilated area away from moisture so you do not get Bouknavs Aldermsts preferably comments sacks in the ceiling of the room to protect them from mice

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