Larvae hatching and pull

Eggs distributed to educators usually is in the incubation period and must take into account the following

Stir eggs from time to time - to avoid the arrival of ant eggs
Not heating the eggs in any way industrial
Noticed an increase humidity in the place where the eggs until hatching - not to save the eggs under direct sunlight
Remember blood eggs in a place with pesticides or naphthalene
Notes when approaching eggs from hatching changes color from dark gray to light gray and the separation of the fetus from the egg shell and after hatching noted that the color of the white crust
Hatching begins at dawn and until 8-9 in the morning and did not hatch until the time you expect to happen in the next day
Cover eggs with black cloth before hatching day to work on the unification of hatching output and knows the time of the color white light
If were not hatchability in the first day 90% can wait until the next day without food for hatching the first day but provides food when drawing the next day will not be affected hatch first day so this is done to unite the ages and ease of conducting education later.

Time to pull the larvae is ten o'clock in the morning fully hatched after about 1-2 hours where larvae are gaining a big appetite for feeding at this time.

When clouds lid opens fully and placed next to the box with the hatch is then cut tender mulberry leaves into small squares half × half cm 2

And sprinkle in a single layer over the box and the cover and after that bunched newly hatched larvae (be black in color covered with dense hairs) movement of securities including Chinese Education after furnishing Normal clean paper.

After about two hours of hatching offers the first meal of worms where the paper is subject previously is to raise worms and withdrawn from the whites only breeding young ages: period varies larval stage according to the temperature and humidity prevailing type camel used in every season The following table shows how long it takes each age range In addition to the space needed and the amount of paper needed by the egg tray.

Way of Education

Placed a sheet of plain paper in the bottom of the tray then placed above education worms and surrounded the cradle of education with ribbons wet sponge after its age then covered tray paraffin paper on education to raise the lid before the planned half an hour feeding and also during periods of fasting
Small ages need high temperatures (26-28 ° C) and relative humidity is also high (80-90%)
Provide mulberry leaves cut into small sizes where cut an area of ​​0.5 cm 2 in the first age and 1.5 to 2.5 cm 2 in the second age and 3-4 cm 2 in the third age
Provide nutrition 4 times daily 9 am - 1 pm - 5 pm - 9 pm to stop providing food for the duration of the fast and so completely out of alienation
The mattress is not changed during the first age while being changed after completing the exit of first Alsoma then after coming out of second Alsoma then once in the middle of the third age and again after completing the third out of the Alsoma and will explain how to change the bedding later
Cooperative Education

Is one of the technological means working on increasing the productivity egg tray of cocoons are distributed larvae to educators at the beginning of the third age or fourth rather than the distribution of egg tray and place of education in private stations education cooperative and supervised by specialists so that specializes each station in the region surrounding it, as can be implementation of the same idea through the one educators this role for a limited number of neighbors educators provided that educators veterans who have good experience and has the potential to allow it to be this work under the supervision of representative research department silk in the same area and is working to save time and effort and mulberry leaves in addition to the prevention of disease.

The following factors should be taken into account when establishing a center for breeding small cooperative for ages

Required number of cans eggs reared in a particular area
Determine the area of ​​the necessary field berries
Space needed to create your own shelter education
Store mulberry leaves
Education tools
Skilled technical labor
Large breed ages include older age both the fourth and fifth ages The following table shows the periods it takes every age as well as the space needed and the amount of mulberry leaves according to the type of education used

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