Pests of berries and methods of resistance
Get many mulberry trees from insects and diseases which affect the yield of securities and validity of nutrition Unfortunately, all the mulberry trees in Egypt left without resistance to these pests, we review the following are the major pests and methods of resistance

Caecilians worms (nematodes)
Resistance to gasoline and is used with irrigation, and the severity of the infection takes off when the trees are burned and infected with the treatment of the ground and her heart and leaving it exposed to the sun and air.
Egyptian bugs powdery mildew
Affects nurseries, trees and much injury in July, August, and insects found on the lower surface of the paper is clustered around a central race.
Bug Alhbisks powdery mildew
Result in infection in the late summer peaks to the crease and the support the growth of developing branches and disappear into the nymphs of wrinkles and must therefore be cut peaks developing infected and burned.
Insect fig Alphenjanih
Affect the original stem, branches and cause a lack of crop leaves and low nutritional value.
And is controlled bugs powdery mildew quality and insect fig Alphenjanih spray summer and spraying winter, and be spraying winter during the non-applicability of the bile (November to January) The spraying summer are in July and August - and is control by using (A oils Almadenaahibnsph 2% + Mlaathon 57% by 1.5 in thousand) - can also be used instead of the solo Almlaathon concentration of 3 per thousand to be 40 pounds of pressure per square inch during spraying.
And resistance are the same with the previous program with the addition of dicofol at 150 cm 3 per 100 liters of water.
Black mold
Shows the result of injury Babak powdery mildew both types and that the secretion of this insect for the symposium horny that appear on the upper surface of leaves, bottom, can resist the addition of Aldeattan M 45 disposable wet rate of 300 grams per 100 liters of water to the solution spray used in the resistant bugs powdery mildew and insect fig Alphenjanih.
Zoghbi whiteness diseases and powdery mildew
And can distinguish between the presence of yellow or brown stains on the paper surface in the case of white Zoghbi, while in the case of powdery mildew Vimes the presence of white patches on the upper surface of the leaf only together can be resisted, as outlined above in black mold.
With the need for the alarm by following the recommendations issued by the Ministry of Agriculture on the resistance to these pests.
Get many mulberry trees from insects and diseases which affect the yield of securities and validity of nutrition Unfortunately, all the mulberry trees in Egypt left without resistance to these pests, we review the following are the major pests and methods of resistance

Caecilians worms (nematodes)
Resistance to gasoline and is used with irrigation, and the severity of the infection takes off when the trees are burned and infected with the treatment of the ground and her heart and leaving it exposed to the sun and air.
Egyptian bugs powdery mildew
Affects nurseries, trees and much injury in July, August, and insects found on the lower surface of the paper is clustered around a central race.
Bug Alhbisks powdery mildew
Result in infection in the late summer peaks to the crease and the support the growth of developing branches and disappear into the nymphs of wrinkles and must therefore be cut peaks developing infected and burned.
Insect fig Alphenjanih
Affect the original stem, branches and cause a lack of crop leaves and low nutritional value.
And is controlled bugs powdery mildew quality and insect fig Alphenjanih spray summer and spraying winter, and be spraying winter during the non-applicability of the bile (November to January) The spraying summer are in July and August - and is control by using (A oils Almadenaahibnsph 2% + Mlaathon 57% by 1.5 in thousand) - can also be used instead of the solo Almlaathon concentration of 3 per thousand to be 40 pounds of pressure per square inch during spraying.
And resistance are the same with the previous program with the addition of dicofol at 150 cm 3 per 100 liters of water.
Black mold
Shows the result of injury Babak powdery mildew both types and that the secretion of this insect for the symposium horny that appear on the upper surface of leaves, bottom, can resist the addition of Aldeattan M 45 disposable wet rate of 300 grams per 100 liters of water to the solution spray used in the resistant bugs powdery mildew and insect fig Alphenjanih.
Zoghbi whiteness diseases and powdery mildew
And can distinguish between the presence of yellow or brown stains on the paper surface in the case of white Zoghbi, while in the case of powdery mildew Vimes the presence of white patches on the upper surface of the leaf only together can be resisted, as outlined above in black mold.
With the need for the alarm by following the recommendations issued by the Ministry of Agriculture on the resistance to these pests.