House breeding specifications

In the traditional way the jam using a room house, which is required to be clean well-ventilated after filling burrows and holes for mice with a wire or cloth perforated on windows to prevent entry of birds sprinkle with ground lime to prevent ants and should be a place of education very soon by the presence of trees Berries
In the modern way, which is cultivated berries in the fields to be a house of Educational particular ages large area (13 × 5,6) square meters to accommodate farming from 3 to 7 cans in the season so that the floor of the cement and the walls of brick or limestone The bishop Vtkon of wood Kazuarina and covered with nylon bags and then covering the whole roof with a layer of mud, and can be ceiling of asbestos or canvas tents and in the case of manufacturing of steel pipes House covers all plastic and then another layer of Alserran
It is noted that the jam has to choose building materials Bait Education according to the circumstances surrounding it so that the house is suitable for work and is economically costly. Needs raspberry field a half-acre area into a home for breeding spaces mentioned.


Before the start of breeding season to be washing Tools Education pans Educational - curling sponge - baskets - etc. with soap and water and then exposed to the sun, is then washed again formalin 3% or sodium hypochlorite by 3% and the rate of 800 cm 3 for each 10 square meters and are spraying before the start of Education one week to leave the room closed after spraying for 24 hours and then open the doors and windows for ventilation washing with running water.

And the desired concentration can be prepared from formalin as follows

Views dilution water = concentration available (located on the bottle) - the focus required 3 For example, when you buy a bottle of formaldehyde and the focus was labeled 33% mitigation shall be the number of times water = 33-3 = 30

3 3

So each size of formalin is added to 10 volumes of water to get the concentration of 3%.

And you must make sure that the need to cleanse the place and education tools as soon as the end of the breeding season new again, as it should every time you cleanse the outside center to place education

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